A woman’s skill

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Category “Psychology” with Anastasia Danilova-Head of numerolog. club-School of Modern Numerology #iwu_psychology
Today’s topic: “The skill of a woman”.

A woman is free in her spirit, perfect in the right to manifest love, in fact, being a vessel of this energy. Yes, when she herself comes to God, she will always discover her imperfection, for she is the other side of God, for she performs a miracle by growing the grain planted by him, revealing all its aspects and possibilities.

The skill of a woman in creativity, in the ability to transform and gradually transform. It is in this that she needs the support and help of a man, his strength and will to act. A woman has the ability to transform his power into the development of the whole world.

It is a woman who is only able to influence her environment, creating an atmosphere and working with her soul, spirit.

In most cases, the woman herself does not appreciate it. But it is no accident that they say:”What a woman wants, God wants.”

The female master is a reflection of God on Earth, it is his other face. She, not men, transforms, transforms the world. For the sake of his children, for the sake of what he loves in people, in nature, in himself. It is sometimes difficult for her to put into words what makes her create. She can stop herself again and again, considering her impulses to be wrong in something, because it is the nature of a woman to endlessly doubt everything and seek the presence of God next to her. This is always a confirmation for each of us: if God didn’t stop me, then I still have the right to create. I’m a different part of him. And if I sing him a song of praise and joy, he will surely join me in creation. And together we will give birth to this world again and again. Yes, the world is born again and again, and this is the merit of a woman and a man who understood and accepted it. God now speaks with the voice of women, and looks with the eyes of men. And behind every female master is a male god. And both draw from each other the eternal source of life.


The river flows, enter it, accept its flow.

She is your source, if you can admit it.

It flows, you are attracted, changing every hour.

And everyone will receive their own supply from her bounty.

And will not leave anyone without benefits and worries,

It will spin you, take you with it on a fun trip.

On the way, he will heal and forgive all the pain and longing,

It will give you lightness, overcome fatigue and melancholy.

Such a feminine river that attracts everyone to itself,

Rushing, splashing over the edge, glistening in the sun.

Everyone has their own river. And every husband in the spring,

Deciding the benefits of being, admires the river.

Changing plans and breaking regulations and granite,

The dashing female soul wakes everyone up and creates!

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