The History of the origin of the International project ” By Hands of a Woman” begins with the International Women’s Congress “Women’s Movement and the Modern World” on August 21-23, 2014.

International Exhibition – Forum “By Hands of a Woman” in September 2015 took part in the “International Eurasian Women’s Forum” in St. Petersburg.
After the presentation of the project “By Hands of a Woman” at the Eurasian Women’s Forum in September 2015, St. Petersburg was awarded gratitude to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Matvienko VI

On January 25, 2016, the State Duma hosted the Meeting of the Organizing Committee of the International Forum-Exhibition “By Hands of a Woman.” Discussions were held on the preparation of the Forum’s implementation of the exhibition “By Hands of a Woman”

From 2 to 4 March 2016, the International Forum-Exhibition “By Hands of a Woman” was held.

About 85 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as over 50 countries around the world were represented at the event.
The project “By Hands of a Woman” is a unique platform for the unification of women of various confessions and political views, at which the current issues were discussed: “Social support for motherhood as the basis of statehood”, “Women in legislative bodies”, “Medicine: the role Women in Health Care “,” The role of the mother in preserving the mother tongue and development of speech “,” Women’s leadership and career “,” State policy of interethnic and interdenominational relations “and many others.

In December 2016,  the project “By Hands of a Woman”  presented at the Christmas Fair in Italy, in Bari.

At the fair were presented products of masters of decorative and applied art of the regions of Russia and CIS countries.
The purpose of participation in the Christmas fair is to show the originality of the culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

On December 7, 2017,  working meeting at the Congress Palace on the preparation of the exhibition ” By Hands of a Woman”the winner of the Russian Presidential Grants Competition of 2017, scheduled for November 2018. in the Strasbourg Convention Center.

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe Soltanovsky I.V. and Consul General of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Strasbourg Levitsky VB fully supported the holding of the International Forum-Exhibition “By Hands of a Woman” in France.
Over 80 letters were received in support of this project from government agencies and foreign organizations.

On September 29-30, 2018, with the support of the chamber of Commerce and industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan hosted the final of the all-Russian festival of arts and crafts “By Hands of a Woman” (using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the presidential grants Fund), with the participation of 85 masters in the field of arts and crafts from the regions of the Russian Federation.

The festival was opened by honored guests of the event:

  • Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tourism Sergey Ivanov .
    First Deputy Chairman of the Union ” chamber of Commerce and industry of the Republic of Tatarstan”-
    Nikolaev Artur .
  • The festival “By Hands of a Woman” gathered 85 participants from different, even the most remote corners of Russia: from Kaliningrad to Yakutia.Original and professional artists and artisans not only presented their works, but also generously shared the secrets of the craft at the master classes that anyone could visit.As part of the all-Russian festival “women’s Hands” were held 27 unique free MASTER CLASSES.At the gala dinner 85 finalists were awarded diplomas and certificates for participation in the international forum “By Hands of a Woman” in Strasbourg. with 50% discount and gifts from partners “Union of Women’s Forces”, “Tatar teas”.15 winners who received certificates for free participation in the exhibition program with provision of a stand (6 sqm) at the International forum of the exhibition “By Hands of a Woman” 3 and 4 November in Strasbourg (France) at the Palais des Congrès.
  • Original and professional artists and artisans not only presented their works, but also generously shared the secrets of the craft at the master classes that anyone could visit.The next step was the 1st ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FORUM-EXHIBITION “By Hands of a Woman” in Strasbourg (Palais des congrès), France.On November 3-4, 2018 in Strasbourg, France (the Palace of Congresses) was held the 1st Annual international forum-exhibition “By Hands of a Woman“.The event was opened by Vice-Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Strasbourg – D. TuryginThe event also made a welcoming speech:
    • Head of the Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the Council of Europe — Sukhenko
      Head of the Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Council of Europe – AB
      Representative of Croatia.
      President of the Belarusian Union of Women, the Director of the school “May Baby” -Larissa Smalls, etc.
  • As part of the exhibition (exhibition and sale), the participants demonstrated their products.
  • Within the framework of the event, a business part was held, where the forum participants shared their experience, contacts, talked about their achievements and successes.
    A fashion show of Croatian, French and Russian designers took place at the gala dinner.The French fashion house was involved in fashion shows.The concert program was attended by a participant of the contest “Voice – children” Daria Malyavka, Republic of Belarus and other artists from St. Petersburg and Strasbourg.
  • On November 3-4, 2019, the 2nd international festival of decorative and applied arts “By hands of a woman” was held in Moscow (WTC Congress Center).The festival featured more than 120 participants-artists, masters of decorative and applied arts, folk art, designers, and representatives of other creative areas from more than 40 regions of Russia and neighboring countries.A separate block at the festival presented competitive works of women convicts who passed the correspondence selection on the ground (about 35 colonies of the Russian Federation).
  • The opening ceremony was attended by honorary guests, Ambassadors of foreign countries, members of the Federation Council, Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Heads of women’s organizations, Representatives of the CCI of Russia and foreign countries, representatives of creative directions.
  • Participants of the event had the opportunity to demonstrate their creations as part of the cultural heritage of the ethnic group to which they belong, to offer their services, technologies, and to get the necessary advice and knowledge.Guests of the event were able to admire Vologda lace, national ornaments, growth dolls, downy Voronezh shawls, Russian furs and a variety of author’s works.
  • The jury selected 15 Grand Prix winners who were awarded diplomas, gifts and prizes. In the future, their personal exhibitions will be organized on the territory of the country and abroad.
    Also, the winners of the first, second and third degree were selected among the participants. All participants of the event received diplomas of participants and a catalog.
  • Visitors of the festival had the opportunity to participate in master classes, watch fashion shows and performances of creative teams.

International Womens Union is grateful to the partners of the festival for their assistance in organizing and conducting the festival.

From October 15 to 17, 2021, the 3rd International Festival of Handicrafts and Handicrafts “By the Hands of a Woman” was successfully held in Pavilion 55 of the VVC with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism, which was presented at the business platform “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

The partner of the Festival was the Eurasian Women’s Forum.

The Festival was organized by the NGO “International Women’s Union” for the support of women entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses – a member of the CCI of the Russian Federation, a member of the CCI of Moscow, an official collaborator of the Association of Organizations among the Black Sea Businesswomen (AFAEMME), which unites businesswomen of 24 Mediterranean countries.  (

General Information Partner of Media Holding “” ( )

Radio partner “Radio Dacha” ( )

The guests of the event were able to see the masters’ products, get acquainted with the quality of the products offered, purchase the products they liked, as well as get the necessary information and advice. An international professional jury worked at the festival.

The festival is a platform for the unification and interaction of the spheres of business, culture and tourism, by means of NHP and crafts.

The festival featured more than 12 regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries (Hungary, Armenia, Iraq, South Korea, Abkhazia, etc.) – artists, masters of decorative and applied arts, folk art, designers, representatives of other creative directions.

Hungary has widely presented the Bach-Kiskun region, products made by women’s hands, tourist potential and other attractions.


On 15.10 at 12.00, the Grand opening of the 3rd International Festival of Handicrafts and Handicrafts “By the hands of a woman” took place.

The Festival Was Opened by the President of the NGO “International Union of Women” Amirova Alfiya

Honorary guests took part in the opening ceremony and made a welcoming speech:

Mr. Milorad Ščepanović – Ambassador Montenegro
The President of the International Women’s Club (IWC Moscow) is Mrs. Toby Shavabka, the wife of the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Russia
The wife of the Tunisian Ambassador is Mrs. Nadia Ben Salem
Consul of the Embassy Uruguay – Mr. Gustavo Piegas
Third Secretary of the Armenian Embassy Hripsime Markosyan
Advisor on Foreign Economic Affairs of the Embassy of Hungary in Russia – Timea Endrejter
Advisor to the Political Department of the Embassy of South Africa (Ms Cecile Heppes, Counselor Political) – Ms. Cecile Heppes
Responsible for Trade and Economic Issues, Mrs. Elena Desyatova of the Embassy Uruguay
Her Excellency Mrs. Elsa Maria Barber dos Santos – Secretary of State for Family Affairs and Women’s Advancement. The Republic of Angola.
Head of the Cultural Center at the Armenian Embassy Vladimir Gabbe
Head of the Representative Office of the Arkhangelsk Region under the Government of the Russian Federation – Nazilya Aslanovna Naumova
Head of the Department for Interaction with State Authorities of the Russian Federation from the Representative Office of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region – Zhiltsova Olga Nikolaevna
General Director, Editor-in-Chief of the Media holding ” <url>”. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Business platform “Woman of the Third Millennium” – Inna Novikova
Lyudmila Fyodorovna Vostrikova, the wife of the Envoy Adviser, a representative of the Community of Wives of Russian Diplomats.
President of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Russia – I.V. Potyagova.
Vice-President of the Regional Public Organization “International Union of Women”. President of Atlas of Health Group – Anna Vasilets and others. Honored guests.
President of “International Zh” Amirova Alfiya read out the Welcome letters from:

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy – Svyatenko I.Yu.
Vice President of the Union “Moscow Chamber of Commerce” Vardanyan S.O.
Rector of the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language – Rusetskaya M.N.
On October 16, at 12.00, the grand opening of the photo exhibition of the International photo Contest “Mother and children in national costumes” and the award ceremony of the Winners took place.

The contest is designed to demonstrate the national flavor of the peoples of Russia by expressing the diversity of their nation’s culture through national costume, with the help of talented works of photo artists.

The implementation of the events of the International photo Contest “Mother and children in national costumes” is aimed at helping to preserve the national identity of the peoples of Russia in the conditions of the increasing pace of globalization of society.

At the opening of the photo exhibition, ethnic screenings and performances of musical groups took place.

Guests of the Festival were able to admire national ornaments, handmade dolls, jewelry, products of Altai masters, get acquainted with the identity of Hungary, products of masters of Yakutia and other regions and countries.

On October 17, 2021, at 12.00, the closing ceremony of the exhibition took place.

Following the results of the work of the Business platform “Woman of the Third Millennium”, President of the International Women’s Union Amirova Alfiya and CEO of Global Menedzsment Kft (Hungary) Ilona Cech signed a cooperation agreement.

A cooperation agreement was also signed between the International Women’s Union and the Cultural Center of the Armenian Embassy.

The partner of the Women’s Hands Festival is the International Fashion and Design Association (Italy) represented by Irina Karimova (Head of the Fashion portal ,) presented the festival’s design participants with a Certificate for participation in the Fashion Show of the Fashion Promenade project in Milan (Italy) and a certificate for 5-day training in Milan on a free basis.

With words of congratulations were made:

Representative of the Iraqi Embassy in Russia – Randa Sahib Javadov
Art Director of the Cultural Center of the Armenian Embassy – Zaruhi Eyramdjyants
Member of the International Jury of the Women’s Hands Festival, founder of the YALIDIYA brand – Lidiya Tskhovrebova
Culturologist, artist. Full member of the Academy of Folk Art of Russia. Member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists (TSPH)- Nadezhda Lebedeva and other honored guests.
The participants of the Festival were awarded with diplomas of the Winner. The partners of the Festival were awarded with commendations.

During the Festival, volunteers of the Charity Fund “Bottlenose Dolphins” worked.

The official website of the project:

The International Festival of Folk Art and Crafts “By the Hands of a Woman” has established itself as the only modern international gender exhibition in Russia, which unites masters of folk art, artisans, designers, artists, representatives of other creative directions from 85 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and foreign countries.

One of the main goals of the Festival is to popularize the cultural heritage of Russia by means of folk arts and crafts both on the territory of our country and on foreign sites.

The International Festival “By the Hands of a Woman” previously gathered masters from more than 72 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and foreign countries on its site, is the winner of the Presidential Grants competition (2018) and was presented on the foreign arena (France, Italy).

Senators of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Ambassadors of foreign countries to Russia, trade attaches and other Guests of Honor took part as Guests of Honor.

The festival has been covered for 7 years in 85 regions of the Russian Federation (1127 cities) and foreign countries (France, Italy, CIS countries, Mediterranean countries).

The event was held in compliance with the necessary measures to ensure the safety of participants and visitors of the exhibition and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The year 2022 is dedicated to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. The International Festival of Handicrafts and Handicrafts “By the Hands of a Woman” and the International Photo Contest “Mother and Children in National costumes” are included in the action plan of the Year of Cultural Heritage and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The festival will be widely covered in the Russian media and on TV.

The 4th International Festival of Handicrafts and Handicrafts “By the Hands of a Woman” in 2022 was held among women sentenced to imprisonment in conjunction with the Department of Educational, Social, and Psychological Work of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

In 2022, the Festival was held in correspondence format. The organizing committee of the Festival received more than 500 creative works from 51 territorial bodies of the Russian Federation.

Following the results of the Festival, the International Jury determined:

  • 20 Winners
    20 laureates of the 1st degree
    20 laureates of the 2nd degree
    20 laureates of the 3rd degree
    The winners and laureates were awarded with diplomas. All participants of the Festival are awarded with diplomas of participants.

On October 10-11, 2023, the exhibition of handicrafts and handicrafts “By the Hands of a woman” was presented at the site of the International Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

The exhibition featured craftsmen from the regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

The exhibition “By the Hands of a Woman” is designed to demonstrate the national flavor of the peoples of Russia and the world by expressing the diversity of their nation’s culture through handicrafts, crafts, decorative arts, national costumes and traditions.

The craftsmen presented their products, from down products to national accessories.

The forum site hosted more than 350 delegates from Russia and 15 foreign countries. The guests could see the art of the craftswomen directly at the stands.


Over the years, the festival “By the Hands of a Woman” has established itself as a modern international platform demonstrating how multifaceted folk arts and crafts are in the modern conditions of the peoples of Russia and is aimed at interregional and international cooperation.

ФОТО ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Over the history of its existence, the Hands of a Woman Festival has gathered more than 3,000 artists from more than 72 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and foreign countries, is the winner of the Presidential Grant competition (2018), entered the year of Cultural Heritage of Russia in 2022 and was presented both on the foreign arena (France, Italy) and in the “three capitals of Russia” (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan) at prestigious venues.

ФОТО ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Organizing Committee: tel.: +7 (968) 441-84-51, +7 (967) 148-38-32
