Фестиваль «Руками женщины»  пройдет в преддверии Новогоднего волшебства.

Фестиваль «Руками женщины»  пройдет в преддверии Новогоднего волшебства.

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! After coordination with all structures, a request from regions (participants) to postpone the Festival and approval of the plan of events, the final date for holding our festival “By the Hands of a Woman” has been set. It so happened that the Festival will take place on the eve of the New Year's magic, which means that our participants will have: there is time to prepare for the Festival there is an opportunity to panengg wonderful gifts for the New Year, And visitors and guests of the Festival will have the opportunity to choose unusual handmade gifts for their loved ones. Announcement  On December 2-4, 2022, the 4th International Festival of National Art and Crafts "By Hands of a Woman" will be held in Moscow, VDNKh (Pavilion…
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